Monday, September 22, 2008

Connotea: the for scientists integrated in Scoofers

Scoofers uses social bookmarking for improving the search results. The search results are powered by the Google Custom Search engine technologies, but influenced by thousands of social bookmarks on for instance Lately we at Scoofers, discovered Connotea. Connotea is a free online reference management service for scientists, researchers, and clinicians, created in December 2004 by Nature Publishing Group. It is one of a new breed of social bookmarking tools, similar to Delicious, where users can save links to their favourite websites. It has a lot of great websites that are tagged by the users. Via the ' extract links' option we catch these sites and automatically give them a refinement. So you will see a lot of these sites, that are discovered by the users of Connotea, in the Scoofers results under the refinement Science. We are sure this improves the search results even more. Remember that all sites that are in Google, are also present in Scoofers, and only the order and the refinement labels give you a better search experience!